Sprouted from the collective dreams of Victoria Persinger Ferguson, Dwayne Painter from the Monacan nation, Beth Roach of the Nottoway Tribe of Virginia, and Fix of the Skarù·ręʔ, the Alliance of Native Seedkeepers was birthed in a humble apartment pulsating with life's promise. Now, we've grown into a flourishing micro-farm which serves as both our home and the epicenter of our mission.
The Sanctuary We Call the Seed House
Our seed store is an extension of our mission and is unique in its focus. Beyond a place of commerce, it's a sanctuary that celebrates the rich culture of indigenous seedkeeping traditions. Each seed sent out is a capsule of heritage and ecological wisdom, carefully selected and ethically sourced. Moreover, our store serves as an educational hub, offering workshops and resources on indigenous seedkeeping practices, ecological farming, and environmental justice. Every purchase directly funds our broader initiatives, from community education to legal battles for indigenous land rights.
Our Mission
We are keepers of something far greater than a seed enterprise; we are guardians of ancient foodways and sacred seed stories, working to mend the severed ties between indigenous communities and their irreplaceable seeds.
The Power of Partnerships
Our work is enriched by invaluable collaborations with indigenous communities across the nation. Through shared learning, we not only revitalize but evolve our collective seedkeeping heritage.
Our Trials
Our path has been strewn with the thorns of systemic injustice, violence, and intricate land rights disputes. But every challenge we face only fortifies our resolve, making our mission not a choice but a calling.
The Echo of Our Seeds
Our seeds are more than biological specimens; they are living libraries of ecological sagacity, inherently resilient to our planet's evolving challenges. Through their propagation, we are not merely cultivating; we are healing the Earth.
Shifting the Paradigm
We stand in bold defiance against an industry that often marginalizes indigenous wisdom. Our commercial triumphs fuel our activism, from policy advocacy to nurturing awareness about the richness of indigenous agricultural biodiversity.
Visioning Generations Ahead
Inspired by the traditional wisdom of seven-generational thinking, we envision a future where our children and theirs can thrive in harmony with the Earth, cradling their culture and justice in equal measure.
An Invitation to A Revolution
When you join us, you aren't just a customer; you become a co-traveler on a transformative journey towards a more balanced, sustainable world.
We are the Alliance of Native Seedkeepers—a testament to the unyielding spirit of our community and culture. Join us in planting the seeds of a revolution.